Saturday, March 21, 2009

Anne's 8th Birthday

Another Birthday post for today... Anne's 8th Birthday from July 29, 2008. They aren't the greatest pictures. I haven't quite gotten down night-time shooting (picture-taking?). Anne wanted to have her friends over, so we invited the Quartersons who have 4 boys and 2 girls. I'm sorry to say I didn't get a group picture of them, but maybe I'll post one from another time later.

Blowing out the candles...

Hugging one of her presents from the
Quartersons, a bag full of toy horses!

Present from mom and dad.

I thought I'd also post some pictures I took today from our garden. I really love fall, and I can't stand to be inside when the weather is so nice, so I took my camera outside and started snapping away...

This is dad's favorite tree... it only blooms in March.
The sun is to the left here, so that's why it seems
faded on that side of the tree.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gordon's 17th Birthday

The post today is for my Gram, because she really wanted to see pictures from Gordon and Anne's birthday, but the CD we sent back home with Gordon didn't work. But now that I have a blog, that's no longer a problem!

These here are pictures from Gordon's 17th birthday from August 29, 2008.

Opening presents.

Gordon's buddies who came over. This was right
after their class camp so, not all of his friends
could come.
(L to R): Nick Berlein, Bubba, Josh Mather-Pike

Gordon's cake! The best part of any birthday!!!
Mom and I made a German Chocolate cake, and I
made the banner in the background there.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

House Pictures

Today I have posted pictures of our house, most of them are from the backyard, because that's where it's the prettiest. Also, when we moved in, they called the backyard the front because really it does look more like the front than the actual front (where the road is). Maybe I'll try to get a nicer one of that area soon, I don't think the one I posted is too great.

Just to let y'all know, we are moving out of this house soon, to a house a couple streets away, probably around the end of April or beginning of May. I won't be here to take pictures, but I'll be sure to make Gordon do it or something.

Our street: Flamboyant Street. This is actually
taken at the opposite end of the street from where
our house is. Our house is at the very end of the street
on the left from this point of view.

The front of our house.

The back garden (or yard) showing the veranda.

Okay, if you put yourself where I was standing
while taking the next picture, this part of the garden
would be behind you. Just go down those stairs and
you'll see the pool. ;)

Gordon said this picture made our pool look bigger
than it actually is, so I decided to let him be right
and posted it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

More people pictures from Sunday March 15

Alright you guys, I'm really sorry I didn't post more pictures last week like I said, but here they finally are--more pictures of people from our church. All of these were taken yesterday.

This is the taxi that comes to get our people every
Sunday after church, sometimes the taxi is a bit
bigger, but this is the type of taxi you will see all
over South Africa.

The lady in this picture is Marie. The older girl
to her right (our left) is her neice Rose, and the
smaller girl beside Rose is Primrose, and she just
stuck herself in this picture. :)

The other two kids are Nhlanhla and Junya
(he's in the middle). All of these people come from
the farm except Primrose--she really is a ham for
the camera.

This is Terry, he is Gracious's son, one of
our church members.You can see a picture of
her with mom and Marie from the Family Fellowship post.

This is Jessica, she has just recently started
coming to church. Here she is holding her John & Romans
and New Testament. We give out the John &
Romans free then if they read that all the way
through, we give them a New Testament. If they
read the NT, we give them a whole Bible.

And lastly, 3 boys that come to church, they're cousins:
(L to R): Siyabonga, Lunga, and Mzwake.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Click on the Pictures!!

Hey you guys, I thought this would be somewhat interesting...
So, if you click on one of my pictures it will be shown as its original size! That is so awesome, because I figured since I published it medium-sized, it wouldn't do that...
So, if you ever want to see one of the pictures closer then just click on it!
I think Megan already figured that out, but I thought I'd enlighten the rest of you.

Simply Brilliant!!! :)

Requested Church People Pictures

This week, upon the request of a friend, I have posted pictures of church members. Hopefully when you read our prayer letter now you'll be able to put a face with the name.

The first picture is from last year and the rest are from Wednesday night.

(L to R):Wilson, Sandile, Philani, Peter, Leonard

Gordon and Happy having fun in the tree.

Lorraine and Bunhle



This is all for now. As I find more pictures I will hopefully post more this week.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mozambique and the Cowarts--July 2008

Here are some pictures from July 2008 when our friends the Cowarts came to visit us from Atlanta. While they were here we got to take a trip to Mozambique. We went into Maputo, the capital city, and visited the beach for a while. Too bad it was really too cold to swim... :(

I still haven't got the formatting down on this thing, so I'm going to explain the pictures up here. :)

This first picture is of Anne in my Red Sox hat.

The next pic is of my dad passing out John &
Romans to all of those people who all wanted
us to buy their curios.

The third pic is of Gordon on this concrete island
thing that jutted out into the sea. I'm not sure
what it's supposed to be but it was pretty cool.

And the last pic is of most of the Badgetts, 2
of the Cowarts (Mrs. Tammy and Garrett) and
many of our church members.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Family Fellowship March 1 2009

Here are some pictures from our Family Fellowship we had this past Sunday.

Mom, Gracious and Marie waiting to serve the delicious food!
Elizabeth, Lorraine and Gracious in their aprons.


Hi everyone! I'm glad you came to visit my blog.
Hopefully this will be useful in keeping our friends and family up to date.
Because of the internet situation where we live though, I probably won't post more that 2 pictures a week.
Hope y'all enjoy it!