Another Birthday post for today... Anne's 8th Birthday from July 29, 2008. They aren't the greatest pictures. I haven't quite gotten down night-time shooting (picture-taking?). Anne wanted to have her friends over, so we invited the Quartersons who have 4 boys and 2 girls. I'm sorry to say I didn't get a group picture of them, but maybe I'll post one from another time later.
Blowing out the candles...
Hugging one of her presents from the Quartersons, a bag full of toy horses!
Present from mom and dad.
I thought I'd also post some pictures I took today from our garden. I really love fall, and I can't stand to be inside when the weather is so nice, so I took my camera outside and started snapping away...
This is dad's favorite tree... it only blooms in March.
The sun is to the left here, so that's why it seems
faded on that side of the tree.